Welcome to the ACFC Directory! This is a list of coaches who have successfully obtained their Advanced Certification in Feminist Coaching. They have gone through a rigorous advanced certification program including an education in intersectional feminism, an expert-reviewed application of feminist coaching tools, and a final project testing their mastery of feminist coaching practices.
BIPOC Experience, Finances, General Life Coaching
BIPOC Experience, Style
Black Feminist, Confidence, Growth Mindset, High Achieving, Mindset Shift
BIPOC Experience, General Life Coaching
BIPOC Experience, Career, Finances, General Life Coaching
Sex Coaching, Women Empowerment
BIPOC Experience, Health and Wellness
BIPOC Experience, Career, Parenting, Relationships,
General Life Coaching
Burnout, Career
General Life Coaching, Parenting, Relationships
BIPOC Experience, Business, Career, Finances
Career, General Life Coaching, Health and Wellness, Productivity
General Life Coaching, Health and Wellness, Parenting, Relationships, , Spirituality
Business, Career, General Life Coaching, LGBTQIA+ Experience
General Life Coaching, Parenting, Religious Trauma, Spirituality
Art/Creativity, Career, General Life Coaching, Relationships,
Career, General Life Coaching, Health and Wellness, Relationships
Business, Career, General Life Coaching, LGBTQIA+ Experience
Business, Career, Finances
Career, Writing
Career, Compassion, Fatigue, General Life Coaching, Health and Wellness, Relationships, Spirituality
General Life Coaching, Parenting, TBD
Body Image, Women with Chronic Digestive Issues
Declutter, Home Management, Motherhood, Organization, Productivity, Professional Organizing
Business Coach, Confidence for Coaches
BIPOC Experience, Pleasure, Sex, Sexual Liberation
General Life Coaching, Leadership, Parenting, Women in Leadership
Women in Golf
Weight Loss for Hispanic Women
Chronic Pain
Weight Loss
Executive Coach, Mid-Career Women
High Achieving Women
Pluz Size Runners
Mother-Daughter Relationships
Spouses of Men that look at Porn
Public Health Careers
General Life Coaching
Mom Physicians
Alcohol Freedom
Burnout in Working Moms
Divorced Women Dating to Remarry
Women in Leadership
Burnout in Working Moms, Work-Life Balance
Female Physicians
Business and Life Coach for Interior Designers